Class of 1969
Fairmont West
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Tom Adams
Deborah Ake (Richards)
Charles Allbery
Debbie Anderson (Lowery)
Bob Baker
Anne Bartlett (Hill)
David Beitzel
Craig Berry
David Blakely
Marilyn Blesi (Duffy)
Priscilla Bosnak (Shindell)
Zan Bosnyak (Broyles)
Tim Bridges
Ken Brightman
Diane Carpenter (Sawyer)
Diane Clark (Cummings)
Valerie Cotter (Woodley)
Bob Day
Dennis Dellinger
Joe Deppen
Susan Dross (McGeehan)
Diana Dunnick (Yohner)
Gregg Gilkey
Barbara Gillan (Honneywell)
Tom Green
Barb Hickey (Leis)
Linda Hively (McKeehan)
Steve Kisling
Gary Knight
Gary Lane
James Latham
Ted Light
Deborah Lorton (Brown)
Janet Lutrell (Aregood)
Larry Mantia
Christine Martin (Steel)
Linda Meuser (Mittermaier)
Marcia Mumpower (Thomas)
Ron Naudasher
Mike Nishimura
Carol Nordquest (Hummel)
Lisa Price (Bennett)
John Reagan Sr
Sharon Rinehart (Gaydos)
Rebecca Sallee
Jane Shafer (Brown)
Cindy Shahan
Jonatha (Jonnie) Shampton (Shoe…)
Bona Shellhase (Griffieth)
Gayle Shepherd (Pohlmeyer)
Dave Shoemacher
Steven Simpson
Gregg Sipe
Howard Smith
Nancy Rae Smith (Dubbs)
Karen Sosnowski (Sweezy)
Pat Spalt (Stewart)
Debby Stephenson (Sharp)
Steve Trimborn
Dedra Turner (Lloyd)
Bob Ulrich
Don Utzinger
Dave Vendt
Mike Viets
Lynne Wagner
Rick Ware
Tom Wenz
David White
Karla Whiteman (Brightman)
Jan Worthman (Ellinger)
Stella Zonars (Pseekos)